Eric Chevalley
Senior Research Psychologist
Phone: 650-604-1182
(2020) Best Paper Award, Best Paper of Session, 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference. "Impact of ATD-2 Tools on Human Factor Metrics at Charlotte Douglas International Airport"
(2019) NASA Group Achievement Award, ATD-2 IADS Field Demonstration Team
(2018) Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Associate Administrator (AA) Award, Technology and Innovation Group Award- ATD-2/IADS Field Demonstration Team
(2017) Best Paper Award, Best Paper, 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)- "Evaluation of a tactical surface metering tool for Charlotte Douglas International Airport via Human-in-the-Loop Simulation"
(2015) Best Paper Award, Best Paper of Session- "Exploring Management of Arrival Spacing Using Route Extensions with Terminal Spacing Tools"
(2015) Best Paper Award, Best Paper of Track- "Reducing Departure Delays at LaGuardia Airport with Departure-Sensitive Arrival Spacing (DSAS) Operations"
(2014) Best Paper Award, Best Paper/Emerging Technologies Tract- "Decision Support Tools for Climbing Departure Aircraft Through Arrival Airspace"
(2013) Best Paper Award, Best Paper Award, 32nd DASC - Human Interaction in ATC and in the Cockpit, "NextGen Operations in a Simulated NY Area Airspace"

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W. J. Coupe, D. . Bhadoria, Y. C. Jung, E. . Chevalley, & G. L. Juro (2021) Shadow Evaluation of the ATD-2 Phase 3 Trajectory Option Set Reroute Capability in North Texas Metroplex, Paper virtually presented at the 14th USA Europe ATM Seminar (ATM2021), September 20-24, 2021
B. K. Parke, D. L. Bakowski, S. . Verma, E. . Chevalley, Y. C. Jung, L. H. Martin, K. K. Jobe, & L. K. Stevens (2020) Impact of ATD-2 Tools on Human Factors Metrics at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, In 2020 AIAA/IEEE 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) (pp. 1-10). IEEE
E. . Chevalley, G. L. Juro, D. L. Bakowski, I. . Robeson, L. X. Chen, W. J. Coupe, Y. C. Jung, & R. A. Capps (2020) NASA ATD-2 Trajectory Option Set Prototype Capability For Rerouting Departures in Metroplex Airspace, Paper presented at the 2020 IEEE/AIAA 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Virtual Conference, October 11–16, 2020
B. K. Parke, K. K. Jobe, E. . Chevalley, S. . Verma, V. . Dulchinos, & L. K. Stevens (2018) Impact of data exchange provided by ATD2 tools at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, Florida.
S. . Verma, L. . Hanbong, L. H. Martin, L. K. Stevens, Y. . Jung, V. . Dulchinos, E. . Chevalley, K. K. Jobe, & B. K. Parke (2017) Evaluation of a tactical surface metering tool for Charlotte Douglas International Airport via Human-in-the-Loop Simulation, Proceedings of the 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), St. Petersburg, Florida: IEEE/AIAA
L. K. Stevens, L. H. Martin, K. K. Jobe, B. K. Parke, E. . Chevalley, H. . Lee, S. . Verma, & V. . Dulchinos (2017) Evaluation of Approval Request/Call for Release coordination procedures for Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Proceedings of the 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), St. Petersburg, Florida: IEEE/AIAA
P. U. Lee, N. M. Smith, N. . Bienert, C. L. Brasil, N. J. Buckley, E. . Chevalley, J. R. Homola, F. G. Omar, B. K. Parke, & H. . Yoo (2016) A Human-in-the-loop Evaluation of a Coordinated Arrival/Departure Scheduling Operation for Reducing Departure Delays at LaGuardia Airport, 16th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Washington D. C.
B. K. Parke, N. . Bienert, E. . Chevalley, F. G. Omar, N. J. Buckley, C. L. Brasil, H. . Yoo, A. R. Borade, C. V. Gabriel, P. U. Lee, J. R. Homola, & N. M. Smith (2015) Exploring Management of Arrival Spacing Using Route Extensions with Terminal Spacing Tools, Proceedings of the 34th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE
P. U. Lee, N. M. Smith, J. R. Homola, C. L. Brasil, N. J. Buckley, C. D. Cabrall, E. . Chevalley, B. K. Parke, & H. . Yoo (2015) Reducing Departure Delays at LaGuardia Airport with Departure-Sensitive Arrival Spacing (DSAS) Operations, Eleventh USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, ATM2015 (Paper 535), EUROCONTROL/FAA. Lisbon, Portugal
E. . Chevalley, B. K. Parke, J. M. Kraut, N. . Bienert, F. G. Omar, & E. A. Palmer (2015) Scheduling and Delivering Aircraft to Departure Fixes in the NY Metroplex with Controller-Managed Spacing Tools, Proceedings of the 15th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference
B. K. Parke, E. . Chevalley, N. . Bienert, P. U. Lee, K. M. Gonter, F. G. Omar, J. M. Kraut, H. . Yoo, A. R. Borade, C. V. Gabriel, D. . Rein-Weston, & E. A. Palmer (2015) The Effectiveness of a Route Crossing Tool in a Simulated New York Airspace, Eleventh USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, ATM2015 (Paper 470), EUROCONTROL/FAA. Lisbon, Portugal
B. K. Parke, E. . Chevalley, P. U. Lee, F. G. Omar, H. . Lee, J. M. Kraut, K. M. Gonter, A. R. Borade, C. V. Gabriel, N. . Bienert, C. . Lin, H. . Yoo, & E. A. Palmer (2014) Coordination between sectors in shared airspace operations, Proceedings of the 33rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Colorado Springs, CO: IEEE
E. . Chevalley, B. K. Parke, P. U. Lee, F. G. Omar, H. . Yoo, J. M. Kraut, D. . Rein-Weston, N. . Bienert, C. . Lin, K. M. Gonter, & E. A. Palmer (2014) Decision support tools for climbing departure aircraft through arrival airspace, Proceedings of the 33rd Digital Avionics System Conference, Colorado Springs, CO: IEEE
D. . Rein-Weston, R. H. Jacoby, E. . Chevalley, A. . Globus, H. . Yoo, B. K. Parke, P. U. Lee, F. G. Omar, J. M. Kraut, N. . Bienert, A. R. Borade, C. V. Gabriel, K. M. Gonter, & E. A. Palmer (2014) Development of a route crossing tool for shared airspace environments, Proceedings of the 33rd Digital Avionics System Conference, Colorado Springs, CO: IEEE
N. M. Smith, B. K. Parke, P. U. Lee, J. R. Homola, C. L. Brasil, N. J. Buckley, C. D. Cabrall, E. . Chevalley, C. . Lin, S. E. Morey, F. G. Omar, D. . Rein-Weston, & H. . Yoo (2013) NextGen Operations in a Simulated NY Area Airspace, 32nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Syracuse, NY
E. . Chevalley, B. K. Parke, P. U. Lee, F. G. Omar, H. . Lee, N. . Bienert, J. M. Kraut, & E. A. Palmer (2013) Scheduling and separating Departures crossing arrival flows in shared airspace, Proceedings of the 32nd the Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Syracuse, NY