In April 2018, Dr. Erin Flynn-Evans presented the keynote lecture at the Inland Northwest Research Symposium at WSU Spokane. During her talk, Dr. Flynn-Evans paints a vivid picture of the “trials and tribulations of sleeping in space”. Astronauts face incredible workload demands and environmental factors that negatively affect fatigue levels and ultimately increase the likelihood of fatigue-related accidents. She went on to explain the solutions being researched at the fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory at NASA Ames Research Center. The corresponding article at the WSU Insider includes additional quotes from Dr. Flynn-Evans and a brief glimpse into some of her research. Dr. Flynn-Evans is the Principal Investigator of the Fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory in the Human Systems Integration Division. The article (with video) is at
To learn more about the Fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory, please visit the lab website