Presentation of calibrated images over the web (2009)
This paper considers the problem of delivering calibrated images over the web with the precision appropriate for psychophysical experimentation. We are interested only in methods that might be employed by a remote participant possessing nothing other than a computer terminal. Therefore, we consider only purely psychophysical methods not requiring any measurement instruments or standards. Because of this limitation, there are certain things we can not determine, the most signicant of which is the absolute luminance. We present solutions for three particular problems: linearization, also known as gamma correction; determination of the relative luminances of the display primaries; and colorimetry, i.e. determining the chromaticity of the primaries.
calibrated, calibration, colorimetry, correction, gamma, images, Presentation, psychophysics, web
in Rogowitz, B. E., and Pappas, T. N. (eds.), Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIV, Proc. SPIE, v. 7240