Dorion B. Liston
Phone: 650-604-4065
(2012) NASA Group Achievement Award, 20G Centrifuge Operation Team
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A. . Godinez, D. B. Liston, R. . Ayzenberg, W. B. Toscano, P. S. Cowings, & L. S. Stone (2014) G-loading and vibration effects on heart and respiration rates, Aviation Space Environmental Medicine,
85, 1-5
D. B. Liston, B. D. Adelstein, & L. S. Stone (2014) Onset of positional vertigo during exposure to combined G-loading and chest-to-spine vibration, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 85(2):183-186.
M. P. Eckstein, S. C. Mack, D. B. Liston, L. . Bogush, R. . Menzel, & R. J. Krauzlis (2013) Rethinking human visual attention: Spatial cueing effects and optimality of decisions by honeybees, monkeys and humans, Vision Research 85 (2013) 5-19
D. B. Liston, A. E. Krukowski, & L. S. Stone (2013) Saccade detection during smooth tracking, Displays 34 (2013) 171-176
D. B. Liston, & L. S. Stone (2013) Saccadic brightness decisions do not use a difference model, Journal of Vision (2013) 13(8):1, 1-10
D. J. Kalar, D. B. Liston, B. D. Adelstein, & L. S. Stone (2013) Shared positional noise in manual reaching and saccadic eye movements, Abstracts of the Vision Sciences Society, 13th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May 10-15, 56.524
D. B. Liston, B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2011) New method for quantifying human high-frequency linear and rotational VOR during launch-relevant conditions, Journal Of Vestibular Research, 21(2), 84 (abstract)
S. R. Ellis, & D. B. Liston (2011) Static and motion-based visual features used by airport tower controllers, NASA TM-2011-216427, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
S. R. Ellis, & D. B. Liston (2010) Visual features involving motion seen from airport control towers, Proceedings of the 11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems August 31-September 3, 2010, Valenciennes, France
L. S. Stone, B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & D. B. Liston (2009) Perception and Eye Movements, In: Squire LR (ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, volume 7, pp. 503-511. Oxford: Academic Press
D. B. Liston, & L. S. Stone (2008) Effects of prior information and reward on oculomotor and perceptual choices, The Journal of Neuroscience. 28:13866-13875