Irene V. Tollinger
Asst. Chief - Human-Machine Interaction
Phone: 650-604-1385
(2011) NASA Space Flight Awareness Award, Constellation Acceptance Data Package Electronic System Development Team
(2011) NASA Space Flight Awareness Award, Constellation Failure Mode and Effects Analysis-Critical Items List Database Development Team
(2010) NASA Space Flight Awareness Award, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis and Critical Items List (FMEA/CIL) System
(2008) Ames Honor Award, Constellation Problem Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action (PRACA)
(2007) Johnson Space Center Award, JSC Group Achievement Award
(2004) NASA Group Achievement Award, Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Information Technology Infusion Team
(2004) NASA Space Act Board Award, MERBoard Collaborative Workspace Software And Large Plasma Displays With Touchscreen Overlays
(2004) Technology Turning Goals Into Reality (TGIR) Awards, Human Factors contributors to The AMES MER Infusion Team
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S. B. Paletz, K. H. Kim, C. D. Schunn, I. V. Tollinger, & A. H. Vera (2013) Reuse and Recycle: The Development of Adaptive Expertise, Routine Expertise, and Novelty in a Large Research Team, Applied Cognitive Psychology
C. B. Green, I. V. Tollinger, C. D. Ratterman, L. . Castro, & A. H. Vera (2009) Leveraging open source software in the design and development process, In K. Hinckley, M. R. Morris, S.
Hudson, and S. Greenberg (Eds.): Extended Abstracts of the 2009
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009), (pp. 3061-3074). San Jose, CA: ACM.
I. V. Tollinger, R. L. Lewis, P. H. Tollinger, A. H. Vera, A. . Howes, & L. . Pelton (2005) Supporting Efficient Development of Cognitive Models at Multiple Skill Levels: Exploring Recent Advances in Constraint-Based Modeling, In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI-05, Portland, OR, April 2-7, 2005
I. V. Tollinger, A. H. Vera, & P. H. Tollinger (2004) Collaborative knowledge management supporting Mars mission scientists, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Chicago, IL