Malcolm M. Cohen
IHH Branch Chief
Phone: 650-604-6441
Date and Place of Birth:
13 May 1937
New Brunswick, New Jersey |
1955-1959: |
B.A., Psychology, with Distinction,
Brandeis University, Waltham,
Massachusetts |
1959-1961: |
M.A., Physiological Psychology,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania |
1961-1965: |
Ph.D., Experimental Psychology,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania |
1960-1961: |
Assistant Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania |
1961-1963: |
Research Psychologist (Experimental, Physiological & Engineering),
Naval Air Material Center and Naval Air Engineering Center, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania |
1963-1982: |
Research Psychologist to Supervisory Research Psychologist and Head,
Acceleration Physiology Research Team, Naval Air Development Center,
Warminster, Pennsylvania |
1982-1985: |
Assistant Chief, Biomedical Research Division, NASA-Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, California |
1985-1988: |
Chief, Neurosciences Branch, Life Sciences Division, NASA-Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, California |
1988-2000: |
Research Scientist,Life Sciences Division, NASA-Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, California |
2000-present: |
Chief, Human Information Processing Research Branch, Human Factors
Research and Technology Division, NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett
Field, California |
Courtesy Faculty Appointments and Part-Time Positions Held:
1972-1973: |
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Drexel University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1980-1982: |
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Drexel University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1983-1990: |
Guest Lecturer,
Aeromedical Training Institute,
Southampton, Pennsylvania |
1983-1992: |
Lecturer, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics,
University, Stanford, California |
1987-1989: |
Guest Faculty,
Naval Post-Graduate School, Monterey, California |
1987-1990: |
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Drexel University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1990-1992: |
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina |
1993-1994: |
Guest Faculty,
San Jose State University, San Jose, California |
1994-present: |
Lecturer, to Consulting Professor, Program in Human Biology,
University, Stanford, California |
1995: |
Guest Faculty, College of Optometry,
State University of New York,
New York City, New York |
1999-2000: |
Guest Faculty,
British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC |
Academic and Professional Honors:
1959: |
B.A. with distinction in Psychology, Brandeis University |
1959-1960: |
Harrison Scholar, University of Pennsylvania |
1961-1962: |
Grant in Aid of Research, Society of the Sigma Xi |
1985: |
Environmental Science Award, Aerospace Medical Association |
1985: |
Fellow, Aerospace Medical Association |
1989: |
Leadership and Service Award, American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics |
1989: |
Raymond F. Longacre Award, Aerospace Medical Association |
1990: |
NASA Group Achievement Award, Lunar and Mars Exploration Initiative
Team |
1992-1993: |
President, Aerospace Human Factors Association |
1993: |
Fellow, Aerospace Human Factors Association |
1994: |
NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal |
1995: |
Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
1999: |
NASA Group Achievement Award, Neurolab Spacelab Mission Science Team |
2000: |
NASA Group Achievement Award, NASA Astrobiology Team |
Professional Society Memberships:
Aerospace Human Factors Association (Fellow, Past President) |
Aerospace Medical Association (Fellow) |
American Association for the Advancement of Science |
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
New York Academy of Sciences |
Psychonomic Society |
Society of the Sigma Xi |
Teaching Experience:
1960-1961: |
Introductory Psychology,
University of Pennsylvania |
1972-1973: |
Doctoral Committee, Carl Larson,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Drexel University |
1980-1982: |
Master's Committee, David Johanson,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Drexel University |
1983-1992: |
Colloquium on Life in Space (AA129),
Department of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Stanford University |
1987-1988: |
(2004) Privately Sponsored, AIAA Associate Fellowship Award
(1994) Ames Honor Award, Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal (ESAM)
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L. T. Guzy, M. M. Cohen, & S. M. Ebonholtz (2003) Field dependence with pitched, rolled, and yawed visual frame effects, In Andre, J., Owens, D. A., & Lewis H. O. Jr., Visual Perception: The Influence of H. W. Leibowitz (pp. 125-141). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association
M. M. Cohen, & R. B. Welch (2002) Field Dependence with Pitched, Rolled, and Yawed Visual Frame Effects,.
M. M. Cohen, & R. B. Welch (2002) Perception and action: Two Modes of Processing Visual Information.
M. M. Cohen (2002) Visual and Vestibular Determinants of Perceived Eye-level, Abstract of Poster presented to the NATO-RTO Conference on Spatial Disorientation in Military Vehicles, La Coru
M. M. Cohen, A. E. Stoper, R. B. Welch, & C. W. DeRoshia (2001) Effects of Gravitational and Optical Stimulation on the Perception of Target Elevation, Perception and Psychophysics, 2001, 63(1): 29-35
M. M. Cohen (2000) Perception of Facial Features and Face-to-Face Communications in Space, Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 2000, Vol. 71, No. 9, Pages A51-A57
J. B. Mealey, M. M. Cohen, & K. . Jordan (1998) Effects of Map Orientation During Learning on Airport Identification, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 1998, Vol. 69, No. 2, pgs 104-110
M. M. Cohen, J. B. Mealey, & K. . Jordan (1998) Learning to Identify Airports from Photograps vs. Navigational maps Presented at Various Orientations, Paper presented at the Aerospace Medical Association's annual meeting in Seattle, May 18, 1998.
J. . Li, M. M. Cohen, C. W. DeRoshia, & L. T. Guzy (1997) Effects of Observer Orientation on Perception of Ego- and Exocentric Spatial Locations, Perception, 1997, 26 (suppl.):102-103.
M. M. Cohen, & J. B. Mealey (1997) Effects of Orientation on Recognition of Facial Affect, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 1997, 68:640.
M. M. Cohen (1997) Orientation During Initial Learning and Subsequent Discrimination of Faces, Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 1997, 2:71.
M. M. Cohen (1996) Elevator Illusion and Gaze Direction in Hypergravity, Abstract from Aviation, Space & Environmental Medicine, 1996, 67:676.
R. B. Welch, M. M. Cohen, & C. W. DeRoshia (1996) Reduction of the Elevator Illusion from Continued Hypergravity Exposure and Visual Error-corrective Feedback, Perception & Psychophysics 1996, Jan;58(1):22-30.
A. E. Stoper, & M. M. Cohen (1996) The Effects of Environmental Pitch on Perceived Optic Slant and Eye Level: Lines vs Dots, Paper presented to the 19th European Conference on Visual Perception, Strasbourg, France, September 7, 1996.
M. M. Cohen, & L. T. Guzy (1995) Effects of Body Orientation and Retinal Image Pitch on the Perception of Gravity-Referenced Eye-Level (GREL), Abstract from Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 1995, 66:505.
M. M. Cohen, & E. M. Wenzel (1995) The Design of Multidimensional Sound Interfaces, In W. Barfield & T. Furness III (Eds.), Virtual Environments and Advanced Interface Design, Oxford University Press, 291-346.
M. M. Cohen, & S. M. Ebonholtz (1994) The Possible Role of Nystagmus in Motion Sickness: a Hypothesis, Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine, 1994, 65(11): 1032-1035.
M. M. Cohen, R. B. Welch, & C. W. DeRoshia (1992) Psychophysical Function for Perceived Gravitational-Inertial Force Does Not Depend on the Orientation of the Otolith Organs, "In Aerospace Medical Association, Aerospace Medical Association 63RD Annual Scientific Meeting Program.
Aviation, Space, and Environinmental Medicine 63: 387, 1992.