Robert B. Welch
Research Psychologist
Phone: 650-604-5749
Untitled Document
1962 |
Occidental College, Psychology, B.A. |
1964 |
University of Oregon, Psychology, M.A. |
1967 |
University of Oregon, Psychology, Ph.D. |
Current Area of Research/Work
Perception and Performance, Intersensory Organization, Adaptation
to Altered
Sensory Environments, Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, Visual-auditory Interactions |
Background/Employment History
1967-68 |
University of California, Riverside |
1968-89 |
Associate, and Full Professor of Psychology
University of Kansas |
1969-80 |
Research Investigator
VA Hospital, Topeka |
1974-75 |
Visiting Scholar
University of California, Riverside |
Fall 1981 |
Visiting Scholar
University of California, Riverside |
Summer 1986, 89 |
NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fellow
NASA Ames Research Center |
1986-88 |
NRC Senior Research Associate
NASA Ames Research Center |
1989-present |
Research Psychologist
NASA Ames Research Center |
1989-1995 |
Research Associate
Univertsity of California, Santa Cruz |
1995-present |
Adjunct Professor
University of California, Santa Cruz |
Professional Organizations
Psychonomic Society |
Sigma Xi |
Aerospace Medical Association (Life Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering; Human Factors) |
Other Duties
1990-present |
Founding Associate Editor of Presence: Teleoperators and
Virtual Environments |
1991-94 |
Research Manager for NASA-Ames Neurosciences Program |
1989-2005 |
Regular mentor for the SHARP, STELLAR, and Astrobiology Academy
student programs, and research colleague for the NASA-ASEE
program. |
Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Perception and Performance, Perception & Psychophysics, Perceptual & Motor
Skills, Science, Perception, Journal of Visual Impairment
and Blindness, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Presence:
Teleoperators and Virtual Environments and other journals. |
Representative Publications
- Welch, R.B., Sampane, A.C., (in press, 2006). Adapting to virtual environments: Visual-motor skills acquisition versus perceptual recalibration. Displays.
- Welch, R. B. (in press, 2003). Adapting to telesystems.
In Lawrence Hettinger & Michael W. Haas (Eds), Virtual
and Adaptive Environments: Applications, Implications,
and Human Performance Issues. New York: Erlbaum.
- Welch, R. B. (2002). Adapting to virtual environments.
In K. Stanney (Ed.), The Handbook of Virtual Environments
(HVET), Lawrence Erlbaum. Nahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Post, R. B. & Welch, R. B. (1998). Simultaneous opposite
adaptations of apparent concomitant motion contingent on
the frequency of head motion. Perception & Psychophysics,
60, 821-825.
- Welch, R. B. (1997). The presence of aftereffects. In:
Designs of computing Systems: Cognitive Considerations, G.
M. J. Smith, & R. J. Koubek (Eds.). Amsterdam: Elsevier,
pp. 271-276.
- Welch, R. B., Liu, A., Blackmon, T. T., Mellers, B. A., & Stark,
L. W. (1996). The effects of pictorial realism, delay
of visual feedback, and observer interactivity on subjective
presence in a virtual driving task. Presence: Teleoperators
and Virtual Environments, 5, 263-273.
- Welch, R. B., Cohen, M. M., & DeRoshia, C. W. (1996).
Reduction of the elevator illusion from continued hypergravity
exposure and visual error-corrective feedback. Perception & Psychophysics,
58, 22-30.
- Welch, R. B. (1994). The dissection of intersensory bias:
Weighting for Radeau. Current Psychology of Cognition, 13,
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M. . Godfroy, R. B. Welch, P. M. Sandor, & C. . Roumes (2009) Accuracy and Precision of Auditory-Visual Localization in the Two-Dimensional Frontal Field: A Test of the Modality Precision Model, Proceedings of the IMRF, NY, June 29th-July 2nd 2009
R. B. Welch, & A. C. Sampanes (2006) Adapting To Virtual Environments: Visual-motor Skill Acquisition Versus Perceptual Recalibration.
B. D. Adelstein, S. R. Ellis, & R. B. Welch (2005) Kinesthetic Cueing of Input-to-Display Rotation: Location of Cue Influences Performance, CD Proceedings World Haptics Conference, Pisa, Italy, March 18-20, 2005
M. . Godfroy, & R. B. Welch (2005) Two-dimensional localization with spatially and temporally congruent visual-auditory cues, Proceedings of the 46th conference of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, 10-13 November 2005
R. B. Welch (2005) Two-dimensional Localization With Spatially and Temporally Congruent Visual-auditory Stimuli.
R. B. Welch (2004) Facilitating Adaptation to Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Devices by means of "Kinesthetic Cueing".
R. B. Welch (2004) Persistent Vision-Action Dissociation with the Rod-and-Frame Effect.
R. B. Welch, A. C. Sampanes, S. R. Ellis, & B. D. Adelstein (2003) Using a "Kinesthetic Cue" to Facilitate Adaptation to Rearranged Stylus-Cursor Relationships, Abstracts of the Psychonomics Society, 44th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 6-9, p. 20
M. M. Cohen, & R. B. Welch (2002) Field Dependence with Pitched, Rolled, and Yawed Visual Frame Effects,.
S. R. Ellis, B. D. Adelstein, & R. B. Welch (2002) Kinesthetic Compensation for Misalignment of Teleoperator Controls Through Cross-Modal transfer of Movement Coordinates, Proceedings, 46th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica CA, pp. 1551-1555
M. M. Cohen, & R. B. Welch (2002) Perception and action: Two Modes of Processing Visual Information.
R. B. Welch, A. C. Sampanes, S. R. Ellis, & B. D. Adelstein (2002) The role of "kinesthetic cueing" in adaptation to visual rearrangement, Abstract of CSAIL
M. M. Cohen, A. E. Stoper, R. B. Welch, & C. W. DeRoshia (2001) Effects of Gravitational and Optical Stimulation on the Perception of Target Elevation, Perception and Psychophysics, 2001, 63(1): 29-35
S. R. Ellis, B. D. Adelstein, & R. B. Welch (2001) Kinesthetic compensation for manual control in rotated frames of reference or , Abstracts of the Psychonomics Society, 42nd Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, November 15-18, p. 32
S. R. Ellis, B. D. Adelstein, & R. B. Welch (2001) Kinesthetic compensation for rotational sensorimotor rearrangements, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sensory Motor Controls in Men & Machines, October, 2001 Marseille, France
R. B. Welch, & R. B. Post (1996) Accuracy and Adaptation of Reaching and Pointing in Pitched Visual Environments, Perception & Psychophysics 1996, 58 (3), 383-389
R. B. Post, & R. B. Welch (1996) Is there Dissociation of Perceptual and Motor Responses to Figural Illusions?, Perception, 1996, volume 25, pages 569-581
R. B. Welch, M. M. Cohen, & C. W. DeRoshia (1996) Reduction of the Elevator Illusion from Continued Hypergravity Exposure and Visual Error-corrective Feedback, Perception & Psychophysics 1996, Jan;58(1):22-30.
R. B. Welch, T. T. Blackmon, A. . Liu, B. A. Mellers, & L. . Stark (1996) The effects of Pictorial Realism, Delay of Visual Feedback, and Observer Interactivity on the Subject Sense of Presence, Presence, Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 1996, 263-273 © 1996 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
H. A. Cunningham, & R. B. Welch (1994) Multiple Concurrent Visual-Motor Mappings: Implications for Models of Adaptation, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Copyright 1994 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. Human Perception and Performance 1994, Vol 20, No. 5, 987-999
H. A. Cunningham, & R. B. Welch (1994) Multiple Concurrent Visual-Motor Mappings: Implications for Models of Adaptation, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Copyright 1994 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. Human Perception and Performance 1994, Vol 20, No. 5, 987-999
R. B. Welch, B. . Bridgeman, S. . Anand, & K. . Brownman (1993) Alternating Prism Exposure Causes Dual Adaptation and Generalization to a Novel Displacement, Perception & Psychophysics 1993, 54 (2), 195-204
M. M. Cohen, R. B. Welch, & C. W. DeRoshia (1992) Psychophysical Function for Perceived Gravitational-Inertial Force Does Not Depend on the Orientation of the Otolith Organs, "In Aerospace Medical Association, Aerospace Medical Association 63RD Annual Scientific Meeting Program.
Aviation, Space, and Environinmental Medicine 63: 387, 1992.