M J. Rosen
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B. D. Adelstein, & M. J. Rosen (1992) Design and Implementation of a force reflecting manipulandum for manual control research, In H. Kazerooni, editor, Advances in Robotics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1992, pp. 1-12
M. L. Aisen, B. D. Adelstein, J. . Romero, A. . Morris, & M. J. Rosen (1992) Peripheral mechanical loading and the mechanism of the tremor of chronic alcoholism, Archives of Neurology, 49:740-2, 1992
B. D. Adelstein, & M. J. Rosen (1991) A high performance two degree-of-freedom kinesthetic interface, In Human Machine Interfaces for Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, NASA Conference Publication 10071, 1991, pp. 108-113
M. J. Rosen, F. . McDowell, M. L. Aisen, & B. D. Adelstein (1991) Spherical coordinate virtual environment for limb-loading experiments, J. Rehabil. Res. Dev., 28(1):93
B. D. Adelstein, & M. J. Rosen (1988) A load simulating electromechanical manipulandum for two degree-of-freedom manual tracking tasks, Proceedings, 23rd Ann. Conf. on Manual Control, Cambridge MA, June 1988
M. L. Aisen, N. G. LaRocca, M. J. Rosen, & B. D. Adelstein (1988) Quantitative assessment of tremor in multiple sclerosis patients: new technique, Tremor 88, 9th Internat. Symposium on Parkinson's Disease, Ceasarea, Israel, June 1988, p. 29.
B. D. Adelstein, & M. J. Rosen (1987) A two degree-of-freedom loading manipulandum for the study of human arm dynamics, In Advances in Bioengineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1987, pp. 111-112
B. D. Adelstein, M. J. Rosen, & M. L. Aisen (1987) Differential diagnosis of pathological tremors according to mechanical load response, Proceedings, 10th Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering, San Jose, CA, June 1987, pp. 829-831
B. D. Adelstein, M. L. Aisen, & M. J. Rosen (1987) Essential tremor characteristics under isometric and unconstrained conditions, Neurology, 37 [Suppl. 1]:263, 1987
B. D. Adelstein, & M. J. Rosen (1986) Tremor mechanism identification by peripheral limb loading, Proceedings, 8th Annual Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Fort Worth, TX, November 1986, pp. 1872-1875
M. J. Rosen, & B. D. Adelstein (1984) Design of a two degree-of-freedom manipulandum for tremor research, Proceedings, IEEE Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health Care, Los Angeles, CA, September 1984, pp. 47-51
M. J. Rosen, P. O. Riley, & B. D. Adelstein (1983) Manual control interfaces for the tremor disabled, Proceedings, 19th Ann. Conf. on Manual Control, Cambridge, MA, May 1983, pp. 275-296
V. . Pardoel, B. D. Adelstein, J. . Romero, & M. J. Rosen (1983) Objective correlates of clinical judgment of tremor severity, Proceedings, Sixth Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering, San Diego, CA, June 1983, pp. 295-297
M. J. Rosen, B. E. Maki, & B. D. Adelstein (1982) Modification of spastic gait through mechanical damping, Proceedings, IFAC Symposium on Control Aspects of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Columbus, OH, May 1982, pp. 137-144
B. D. Adelstein, & M. J. Rosen (1981) The effect of mechanical impedance on abnormal intention tremor, Bioengineering, Proceedings, Ninth Northeast Conference, Piscataway, NJ, March 1981, pp. 205-209
M. J. Rosen, D. E. Dunfee, & B. D. Adelstein (1979) Suppression of abnormal intention tremor by application of viscous damping, Proceedings, Fourth Congress International Society Electrophysiological Kinesiology, Boston, MA, July 1979, pp. 4-5.