William B. Lathrop
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W. B. Lathrop, & M. K. Kaiser (2005) Acquiring spatial knowledge while traveling simple and complex paths with immersive and non-immersive interfaces, Presence, 14(3), 1-15
M. K. Kaiser, & W. B. Lathrop (2002) Acquiring spatial knowledge of simple and complex virtual environments with various interface metaphors.
W. B. Lathrop, & M. K. Kaiser (2002) Perceiving orientation in physical and virtual environments: Changes in perceived orientation as a function of idiothetic information available, Presence, 11, 19-32
M. K. Kaiser, W. B. Lathrop, & M. A. Logan (1998) Exploring physical and virtual environments, Presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & W. B. Lathrop (1997) Augmented tcas advisories using a 3-d audio guidance system, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.