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E. . Wiener, R. . Chute, & J. . Moses (1999) Transition to Glass: Pilot Training for High-Technology Transport Aircraft, Wiener, Earl L., Chute, Rebecca D., & Moses, John H. (1999). Transition to Glass: Pilot Training for High-Technology Transport Aircraft. NASA Contractor Report 1999-208784. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.
R. . Chute, & E. . Wiener (1996) Cockpit/Cabin Communication: II. Shall We Tell the Pilots, Chute, Rebecca D., & Wiener, Earl L. (1996). Cockpit/Cabin Communication: II. Shall We Tell the Pilots? The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 6(3), 211-231.
R. . Chute, & E. . Wiener (1995) Cockpit/Cabin Communication: I. A Tale of Two Cultures, Chute, Rebecca D., & Wiener, Earl L. (1995). Cockpit/Cabin Communication: I. A Tale of Two Cultures. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 5(3), 257-276.
R. . Chute, E. . Wiener, M. . Dunbar, & V. . Hoang (1995) Cockpit/Cabin Crew Performance: Recent Research, Chute, Rebecca D., Wiener, Earl L., Dunbar, Melisa G., & Hoang, Vicki R. (1995). Cockpit/Cabin Crew Performance: Recent Research. Proceedings of the 48th International Air Safety Seminar, Seattle, WA, November 7-9, 1995.
E. . Wiener (1993) Intervention Strategies for the Management of Human Error, Wiener, Earl L. (1993). Intervention Strategies for the Management of Human Error. NASA Contractor Report 4547, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.
E. . Wiener, T. R. Chidester, B. G. Kanki, E. A. Palmer, R. . Curry, & S. . Gregorich (1991) The Impact of Cockpit Automation on Crew Coordination and Communication: Overview, LOFT Evaluations, Error Severity, and Questionnaire Data, Wiener, Earl L., Chidester, Thomas R., Kanki, Barbara G., Palmer, Everett A., Curry, Renwick E., & Gregorich, Steven E. (1991). The Impact of Cockpit Automation on Crew Coordination and Communication. Volume 1: Overview, LOFT Evaluations, Error Severity, and Questionnaire Data. NASA Contractor Report 177587. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.
E. . Wiener (1990) Human Factors of the High Technology Cockpit, Wiener, Earl L. (1990). Human Factors of the High Technology Cockpit. NASA Langley Research Center, Aviation Safety Automation Program Conference, Oct 1, 1990; pp. 83-90.
E. . Wiener, & R. . Curry (1989) Cockpit Automation and Crew Coordination, Wiener, Earl L., & Curry, Renwick E. (1989). Cockpit Automation and Crew Coordination. NASA Contractor Report 196099. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
E. . Wiener (1989) Human Factors of Advanced Technology ("Glass Cockpit") Transport Aircraft, Wiener, Earl L. (1989). Human Factors of Advanced Technology ("Glass Cockpit") Transport Aircraft. NASA Contractor Report 177528. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.