C A. Jasek
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C. A. Jasek, & P. M. Jones (2001) Cooperative support for distributed supervisory control, In Coordination Theory and Collaboration Technology (G. Olson, T. Malone, and J. B. Smith, eds.). (311-340). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
P. M. Jones, & C. A. Jasek (1998) From distributed supervisory control to enterprise integration: Coordination support for operational environments, Group Decision and Negotiation (special issue on information technology for enterprise coordination and integration), Volume 7, No. 3, 249-264
P. M. Jones, & C. A. Jasek (1997) Intelligent support for activity management (ISAM): An architecture to support distributed supervisory control, . IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Special issue on Human Interaction in Complex Systems, Vol. 27, No. 3, May 1997, 274-288
P. M. Jones, & C. A. Jasek (1995) Evaluating levels of automation in cooperative supervisory control: The mediator-associate experiment, Proceedings of the IEEE 1995 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Volume 5, 4569-4574. Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, October, 1995