D R. Proffitt
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D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (2003) Intuitive physics, In L. Nadel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of cognitive science. London: Nature Publishing Group
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1996) Hi-Lo stereo fusion, Visual Proceedings of SIGGRAPH’96, pp. 146
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1995) Perceiving events, In W. Epstein and S. J. Rogers (Eds.), Perception of space and motion: Handbook of perception and cognition, 2nd edition. San Diego: Academic Press
M. K. Kaiser, M. J. Montegut, & D. R. Proffitt (1995) Rotational and translational components of motion parallax: Observers' sensitivity and implications for 3-D computer graphics, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 1, 321-331
M. K. Kaiser, M. J. Montegut, & D. R. Proffitt (1993) Sensitivity to rotational and translational components of motion parallax, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 31, 463
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, S. M. Whelan, & H. . Hecht (1992) The influence of animation on dynamical judgments, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 669-690
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1992) Using the stereokinetic effect to convey depth: Computationally efficient depth-from-motion displays, Human Factors, 34, 583-600
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1991) Perceiving environmental properties from motion information: Minimal conditions, In S. R. Ellis, M. K. Kaiser, & A. J. Grunwald (Eds.), Pictorial communication in virtual and real environments. London: Taylor & Francis
D. R. Proffitt, M. K. Kaiser, & E. A. McAfee (1991) Seeing Beyond the Obvious: Understanding Perception in Everyday and Novel Environments, Presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (November, 1990) and at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society (September, 1991)
M. K. Kaiser, J. A. Perrone, G. J. Andersen, J. S. Lappin, & D. R. Proffitt (1990) The effect of motion on surface slant perception, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 31(4), 523
D. R. Proffitt, M. K. Kaiser, & S. M. Whelan (1990) Understanding wheel dynamics, Cognitive Psychology, 22, 342-373
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1989) Human motion perception: Higher order organization, In A. B. Watson & J. B. Mulligan (Eds.), Vision Science and Technology at NASA: Results of a Workshop. NASA Technical Memorandum #102214
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1989) Perceiving environmental properties from motion information: Minimal conditions, In S. R. Ellis, M. K. Kaiser, & A. J. Grunwald (Eds.), Spatial Displays and Spatial Instruments. NASA Conference Publication #10032
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1989) Perceptual issues in scientific visualization, In W. E. Robbins & S. S. Fisher (Eds.), Three-Dimensional Visualization and Display Technologies: SPIE Proceedings Volume 1083
D. R. Proffitt, D. L. Gilden, M. K. Kaiser, & S. M. Whelan (1988) The effect of configural orientation on apparent motion, Perception & Psychophysics, 43, 465-474
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1987) Conceptual and perceptual understandings of mechanics, Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Event Perception and Action
M. K. Kaiser, A. J. Grunwald, & D. R. Proffitt (1987) Kinematic and kinetic appreciations of angular systems, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 25, 340
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, D. L. Gilden, & S. M. Whelan (1987) Kinematic and kinetic organization in apparent motion, Presented at the 67th Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1987) Observers' sensitivity to dynamic anomalies in collisions, Perception & Psychophysics, 42, 275-280
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1987) Understanding natural dynmaics, Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Event Perception and Action
M. K. Kaiser, M. . McCloskey, & D. R. Proffitt (1986) Development of intuitive theories of motion: Curvilinear motion in the absence of external forces, Developmental Psychology, 22, 67-71
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1986) Swingtime: Observers' sensitivity to the dynamics of pendulums, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 24, 342
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1986) The use of computer graphics animation in motion perception research, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 18, 487-492
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1986) Why you cannot see what holds a gyroscope, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 24, 342
M. K. Kaiser, M. . McCloskey, & D. R. Proffitt (1985) Children's intuitive physics, Presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, & K. . Anderson (1985) Judgments of natural and anomalous trajectories in the presence and absence of motion, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 11, 795-803
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, & M. . McCloskey (1985) The development of beliefs about falling objects, Perception & Psychophysics, 38, 533-539
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, M. . Flannagan, & J. M. Sullivan (1985) When worlds collide: Observers' sensitivity to collision dynamics, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 23, 281
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1984) The development of sensitivity to causally-relevant dynamic information, Child Development, 55, 1614-1624