D A. MacLeod
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J. B. Mulligan, & D. A. MacLeod (1994) In Search Of An Optoretinogram, Vision Science And Its Applications, 1994 Tech. Dig. Series, 2, 167-170
J. B. Mulligan, & D. A. MacLeod (1991) Visual Sensitivity To Spatially Sampled Modulation In Human Observers, Vision Res., 31, 895-905.
J. B. Mulligan, & D. A. MacLeod (1988) Reciprocity between luminance and dot density in the perception of brightness, Vision Res.,28, 503-519
B. . Chen, D. A. MacLeod, & J. B. Mulligan (1986) Does the Inhibitory Surround Improve Resolution Under Light Adapted Conditions?, Inv. Ophth. Vis. Sci. (suppl.), 27, 344
K. . Nakayama, G. . Silverman, D. A. MacLeod, & J. B. Mulligan (1985) Sensitivity to shearing and compressive motion in random dots, Perception, 14, 225-238
J. B. Mulligan, & D. A. MacLeod (1984) Pooling of Perceived Brightness Among Disinct Texture Elements, Inv. Ophth. Vis. Sci. (suppl.), 25, 199
D. A. MacLeod, K. . Nakayama, G. . Silverman, & J. B. Mulligan (1983) Anisotropic Spatial Integration in the Detection of Movement, Inv. Ophth. Vis. Sci. (suppl.), 24, 277
K. . Nakayama, G. . Silverman, J. B. Mulligan, & D. A. MacLeod (1982) Anisotropic Spatial Integration in Motion Detection, Fifth European Conference on Visual Perception, Groot Begijnhof, Leuven, Belgium, September 1982