Assessment of Flight Crew Acceptance of Automated Resolution Suggestions and Manual Resolution Tools (2008)
The air side part-task study was an initial assessment of flight crew responses to ground side automation derived conflict resolutions. The study was designed to assess pilots’ acceptability of different types of conflict resolutions provided by the automation (vertical and horizontal) at different ranges (near and far) from ownship. Data from the study shows that conflict resolutions created either by the automation or by flight crews were safe; all resolutions maintain a separation distance greater than 5 nm. Crews rated ~30% of automated resolution as problematic and reported that they would seek ATC input. However, when allowed to modify automated resolutions with flight deck route planning tools crews only wanted to consult with ATC on ~ 8% of resolutions. Finally, crews reported that the decision to accept, reject or modify an automated resolution is a complex and situation dependent decision. When close to TOD they generally preferred to descend, but when 500 nm or more from TOD they generally preferred to climb.
Acceptance, Assessment, Automated, Crew, Flight, Manual, Resolution, Resolution, Suggestions, Tools
26th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage, AK