Stacy Granada
(2019) NASA Group Achievement Award, ATD-2 IADS Field Demonstration Team
(2018) Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Associate Administrator (AA) Award, Technology and Innovation Group Award- ATD-2/IADS Field Demonstration Team
(2008) Ames Honor Award, Trajectory Oriented Operations With Limited Delegation (TOOWilD)
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D. A. Comerford-Roman, S. . Granada, W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, Q. . Dao, & S. L. Brandt (2009) Pilots' Weather-related Decision Making, Results from a Workshop Survey
V. . Battiste, W. W. Johnson, Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, N. H. Johnson, & S. . Granada (2008) Assessment of Flight Crew Acceptance of Automated Resolution Suggestions and Manual Resolution Tools, 26th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage, AK
Q. . Dao, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, & W. W. Johnson (2006) Evaluation of the usefulness and usability of cockpit situation display perspectives for ROV operations in approach civil air space, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, D. . Wong, & A. B. Tang (2005) A simulation evaluation of a human-centered approach to flight deck procedures and automation for en route free maneuvering, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, D. . Wong, & A. B. Tang (2005) A simulation evaluation of a human-centered approach to flight deck procedures and automation for en route free maneuvering, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology
V. . Battiste, E. A. Palmer, W. W. Johnson, N. M. Smith, T. . Prevot, J. . Mercer, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, & P. U. Lee (2005) Human Centered Decision Support Tools for Arrival Merging and Spacing, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
M. . Liao, S. . Granada, & W. W. Johnson (2005) The influence of Brightness Cueing on eye movements within a cockpit display of traffic information.
W. W. Johnson, K. . Jordan, M. . Liao, & S. . Granada (2003) Sensitivity and bias in searches of cockpit display of traffic information utilizing highlighting/lowlighting, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio
W. W. Johnson, M. . Liao, & S. . Granada (2002) Effects of symbol brightness cueing on attention during a visual search of a cockpit display of traffic information..